
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

~Planning Future Life Kononnya~

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera.

i never list what i wanna do n what i wanna achieve in my future life..i think i never think also.. what a useless life i have? pffffttttt... macam orang x berwawasan right?
oke, since i wanna further my study next week.. kemonnn laa lets become more mature.. i should think n plan about my future life..hmmm...rancang ja dlu,,tercapai or x belakang kira okeh..

1. wanna finish my master on the right track n get good result insyaallah. xcelent result is so high xpectation i think..good result is just nice enough..susahhh taw..

2. hope i get job that related to my course so that xda la aku rasa sia2 ambik kos nih..

3. buy a car eventhough i haven't licence yet... xpa ahhh,,nnt aku amekk ahh lesen keta..

4. collect money to bring my family to mecca.. not only my parents, but a whole my family, kakak n adik2.. its a biggesttttt dreamm i think.. but its not impossible right? xsalah kan tanam azam dulu...mna la tahu ada berkat kat situ.. insyaallahh..

5. married..i think this will lead no.4..hehe...but not focusing on it now.. no calon no talk oke..hoho

okeh.. thats general dreams...not specific.. aku memang dari dulu lagi jenis follow the flow... xreti nak merancang2.. sebab tu mcm huru hara jugak hidup aku nih.. ehh,,mcm over pulak huru aku okeh ja lagi..insyaallah moga2 akan okeh la sampai bila2 yea...dugaan tu perkara biasa...xda dugaan bukan namanya kehidupan.. yang penting kena selalu doa...mintak yang baik2 ya semua..inyaallah Allah ada tolong kita nnt..



  1. semoga awk dpt capai ape y awk mahukan!! :D

  2. insyaallah..amin.. u too.. :-)
